NIASZIIH Healing Clinics



NIASZIIHhealing is a powerful earth-based and integrative approach to healing. It is ideal for people with any non-communicable disease(s) such as cancer, auto-immune disorders and heart disease. Pronounced "Nye-ah-Zee-eye," NIASZIIHhealing is an opportunity to witness the events, patterns and choices in your life, see how these in turn influence your body, and shift from the very core of your being.

Visit our Services page or Blog to learn more.

What can I expect during a healing clinic?

We have practitioners who will work with you over the course of a weekend from throughout New England and the U.S. that join us for these special events. Signing up for the full weekend clinic will reserve your spot for four hour-long sessions, two on both Saturday & Sunday. A half weekend clinic will reserve your spot for two back-to-back sessions on either Saturday or Sunday.


Cost & Dates

March 19-20
June 11-12
Sept. 17-18
Nov. 12-13


  • $200 for a half weekend (two sessions)

  • $375 for a full weekend (four sessions)

What can I expect during a session?

These sessions are hands-on with two to three NIASZIIH practitioners. Sessions take place on a massage table with the client fully clothed and there may be some dialog. Each session is unique to the client and their situation. As always, it is your session, and your intent and participation goes a long way.