News & Letters - November 2023

Hi folks,

A few announcements this month.

This Thursday, 11/9, Thompson’s Point in Portland is holding a fundraiser and community event to support the families of the victims of Lewiston - Lewiston Strong, Maine Strong. Arbor Vitaeis donating a 90-minute Holistic Massage for their raffle. All proceeds from this event go directly to the victims’ families. Please consider supporting. Event info below.

A reminder the upcoming NIASZIIH healing clinic in Bangor is November 19th. And this month’s book review is about a neurosurgeon’s profound spiritual experience while in coma.

Stay tuned for upcoming holiday sales and discounts!

In health,


Lewiston Strong, Maine Strong

Time: 5:30-8pm. Thursday, 11/9
Location: Brick South at Thompson’s Point, Portland ME
Cost: Free & open to the public

Event description:
Our beloved friends and family in the Lewiston/Auburn community are facing a difficult time, as we all know Maine is about unity, family, tolerance, and togetherness. In that spirit, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us November 9th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm at Brick South at Thompson’s Point for a night of community -- not only to raise crucial funds for our friends and family who have lost too much, but also to foster this sense of togetherness that our state is all about.

Event link:

Healing clinic: Bangor Nov. 19th

There is a large group of NIASZIIH healers in Maine, and our friends in Bangor have been hosting healing clinics throughout the year. Their next one is Sunday November 19th. For general information about these healing clinics please read our blog.

These healing clinics are an opportunity to receive healing from multiple healers at once. Sessions are clothes on lying on a massage table in a comfortable setting. There is a sliding scale fee of $80-120. Appointments are 60 minutes each, with multiple appointments available in the morning and afternoon.

For more information or to register for the Bangor healing clinic, you can contactArbor Vitae Wellness and we will get you in touch with their registrar or you can visit their Facebook page: Bangor Niasziih. Hope to see you there!

Book club: Proof of Heaven

This month’s book recommendation is Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander, M.D.

An academic neurosurgeon for 25 years, Dr. Alexander went into coma in 2008 due to a rare bacterial meningitis for seven days. Besides not only surviving but recovering completely (a miracle in and of itself), while in coma he experience what many call a near-death experience, or NDE for short. He had a profound spiritual experience while in coma and recounts it in detail in this book, along with lessons learned, perspectives gained. He also talks about how there is no physical explanation that he could possibly have had such an experience because the regions in his brain responsible for any type of experiences like that were completely offline while in coma. It is a unique opportunity to hear what someone with his preeminent background in neuroscience has been able to describe about this type of experience - a shared universal experience common to all peoples throughout time, I might add. An incredible read and refreshing window into the realm of spirit and the real power of prayer.

“To say that there is still a chasm between our current scientific understanding of the universe and the truth as I saw it is a considerable understatement. I still love physics and cosmology, still love studying our vast and wonderful universe. Only I now have a greatly enlarged conception of what ‘vast’ and ‘wonderful’ really mean. The physical side of the universe is as a speck of dust compared to the invisible and spiritual part. In my past [professional] view, spiritualwasn’t a word that I would have employed during a conversation. Now I believe it is a word we cannot afford to leave out.”

~ Proof of Heaven, p. 82.

Arbor Vitae Wellness is a place of healing. We help you make deeper contact with life through embodied connection in yourself. We address conditions such as chronic stress, muscle tension and chronic disease by providing massage therapies, integrative healing services and programs rooted in nature.

Our health and wellness is interdependent with the health of every ecosystem, internal and external. Arbor Vitae Wellness encourages you to live an empowered life rooted in real peace, deep love, boundless joy and meaningful purpose.

Find yourself here.

Arbor Vitae Wellness

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Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC, 253 Main St., Suite #1, Yarmouth, ME 04096, USA