In Memorium

A message regarding loss

Hello friends,

I sincerely hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and connected in this time of heart-wrenching devastation for our local Maine communities.

I would like to offer some perspectives on loss and healing.

Loss is complex. It conjures anger, rage, resentment, frustration, helplessness, powerlessness, confusion. It evokes sadness and a deep aching grief and uncertainty. It can also evoke a certain numbness. Many emotions, which swirl and mix, and many which are difficult to name, may move through us.

It is important to let yourself experience whatever emotions you are feeling. They are all valid. It is also very important to move your body. Physical movement promotes emotional and energetic movement. And it is so very, very important to communicate with other people. Face to face if possible. To speak your thoughts, feelings, doubts and uncertainties as well as your hopes, dreams and desires. It is equally important to listen. To listen without needing to fix or change anything - to simply listen. It is our humanness, our ability to connect with each other, which heals.

I would like to extend a prayer. You are invited to join me here and express this in your own unique way, that we may bring our hearts and minds together as one.

I pray for all the people who’s lives were recently cut short by this mindless act of violence in Lewiston – may you know peace; to all the families and loved ones who’s lives will never be the same because of this loss – may you know love; to those who were wounded by bullets and damaged by hatred – may your bodies and spirits grow strong again; to all the first responders and professionals who served our communities in an extremely challenging time – may you feel our gratitude and know you did your best; to everyone in our communities who has been impacted by this event and who is experiencing fear and suffering – may your hearts feel the nurturing embrace of a love which provides shelter from the storm.

Here is what I have learned from this event. Thanksgiving begins now. Every moment of every day. When we can look beyond our grief and remember what a gift this life is - this is what loss highlights. I believe we can honor the lives of those who have died by living each day to the fullest. We are never assured of another day. We hope, of course, for a long healthy life with a calm and peaceful death. But we are never assured of this. So make it count. Let go of the bullshit and do something meaningful. May your passion and commitment to living a life of meaning burn like a flame within your heart.

~ Zebulun Browne, 10/28/2023

Arbor Vitae Wellness is a place of healing. We help you make deeper contact with life through embodied connection in yourself. We address conditions such as chronic stress, muscle tension and chronic disease by providing massage therapies, integrative healing services and programs rooted in nature.

Our health and wellness is interdependent with the health of every ecosystem, internal and external.
Arbor Vitae Wellness encourages you to live an empowered life rooted in real peace,
deep love, boundless joy and meaningful purpose.

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Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC, 253 Main St., Suite #1, Yarmouth, ME 04096, USA