News & Letters - October 2023

Hello friends!

This newsletter is a bit longer than usual since I missed last months. I talk a bit about what I’ve been up to lately, announce some fun things, and introduce a new element to these newsletters: book club. Yay reading! Some more things below include extended hours on Thursdays, notes on the importance of foot mobility (read REFLEXOLOGY) and an upcoming healing clinic in Bangor, Maine!

Happy spooky season!

In health,


Extended hours on Thursdays

I have extended working hours on Thursdays to now run from 10am – 6:30pm. For those of you who prefer appointments later in the day, this is for you!

Current schedule
Monday: 10a–4p
Tuesday: 10a–6:30p
Wednesday: 10a–4p
Thursday: 10a–6:30p
Fri.–Sun: Closed

Healing clinic: Bangor Nov. 19th

There is a large group of NIASZIIH healers in Maine, and our friends in Bangor have been hosting healing clinics throughout the year. Their next one is Sunday November 19th. For general information about these healing clinics please read our blog.

These healing clinics are an opportunity to receive healing from multiple healers at once. Sessions are clothes on lying on a massage table in a comfortable setting. There is a sliding scale fee of $80-120. Appointments are 60 minutes each, with multiple appointments available in the morning and afternoon. We hope to see you there!

For more information or to register for the Bangor healing clinic, you can contactArbor Vitae Wellness and we will get you in touch with their registrar. Or you can visit their Facebook page: Bangor Niasziih. Hope to see you there!

Massage notes: Foot fascia

Feet are so important. All of our movements, internal and external, translate through our feet. And there is so much happening there strictly on a physiological level! The number of individual muscles, tendons, attachment sites etc. is immense. As with all things in the body, they are meant to MOVE.

One thing I love about the gym I train at is that we train (gasp!) barefoot! While we are mindful of our toes when moving hunks of metal around, it is amazing how all those dynamic forces of training can be supported through activating the feet in their proper range of motion - flexion, extension, torsion, stabilization, torque and more.

When our feet are restricted, such as through wearing shoes for extended periods of time or if we do not go barefoot on uneven terrain, the fascia (connective tissue) throughout our feet becomes severely restricted, leading to tension that travels up the heel and into the leg - and further! It is a two-way street of course. For example, when our hip flexors are tight, this leads to shifts in posture which the feet must accommodate for, tightening muscles and tendons within an already tense system.

Foot massage and reflexology are great ways to relieve this tension. With so many nerve endings in the feet, it is deeply relaxing on a psychosomatic level as well as bringing rejuvenating care to the feet themselves.

If you would like to receive the benefits of foot massage, you will always receive this treatment when you book any Holistic or Deep Tissue massage. If you would like more focused attention to your feet during a session, you can also add-on a Reflexology session to any of these appointments as well!

Book a session today and experience how proper foot care can enhance your overall health and wellbeing.


Earlier this month I was in North Carolina teaching two amazing classes at the NIASZIIHhealing school wildernessFusion. First up was the primalpsychology Edge class, where we teach people to read someone’s ‘edge’ psychology by looking at their tracks. We explored aspects of flow, confluence, turbulence, and core as it relates to edge in our bodies, our tracks, and our clients’ perception. It was a truly amazing class.

Next was healing4. This was the first class of the year, where the students are beginning the life-changing journey of transcending patterns and addictions and stepping into the rich territory of Vision and Potential. I feel blessed to be part of such an incredible group of healers and look forward to the next class meeting in January.

More information on wildernessFusion can be found here.

Book club: The Choice

I am always reading books on various subjects, and I thought I’d start to mention them here from time to time as recommendations for anyone looking for transformative words based on real-life experiences.

Recently I read The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger. It is her first book, published in 2017 when she was 90 years old. It is the powerful and moving story of her life. Born a Hungarian Jew and devoted to ballet as a young girl before the war, she survived the death camps of Auschwitz and later emigrated to the US. She eventually became a clinical psychologist and through her work has helped countless people. She is an incredible storyteller and her words pierce through to the heart of the healing journey. Highly recommended.

“From that moment on I understood that feelings, no matter how powerful, aren’t fatal. And they are temporary. Suppressing the feelings only makes it harder to let them go. Expression is the opposite of depression.”

~ The Choice, pp 178.

Arbor Vitae Wellness is a place of healing. We help you make deeper contact with life through embodied connection in yourself. We address conditions such as chronic stress, muscle tension and chronic disease by providing massage therapies, integrative healing services and programs rooted in nature.

Our health and wellness is interdependent with the health of every ecosystem, internal and external.
Arbor Vitae Wellness encourages you to live an empowered life rooted in real peace,
deep love, boundless joy and meaningful purpose.

Find yourself here.

Arbor Vitae Wellness

© 2024 Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.

Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC, 253 Main St., Suite #1, Yarmouth, ME 04096, USA